Sunday, December 20, 2009

7 Months!!

Can you believe she is 7 months already! She is growing so fast and learns so much each day! She can now sit up on her own with only a few unbalanced times. She still talks all day, but her favorite thing to do is growl! She is finally sleeping better through the night which is nice....for those of you who are stronger, I just can't let her cry it out, maybe soon, but for now I am happy and okay with waking up once in the night.
So the picture above is how we found her this morning. She has never been a tummy baby so to find her sleepy deeply there was a first. Chris just had to take a picture and the flash didn't even wake her up (the room was dark). Usually we don't bug her while she is sleeping, but her naps are getting better and she had been asleep for over an hour which is still a little unusual so I just peeked in! She really is getting better at naps which is sooooo nice. She was taking 4 30min naps a day, but for the past week and a half at least once a day she takes an hour and a half nap. So now she is down to about 3 naps a day. Hopefully soon she will just take 2, 2 hour naps!! That would be Heaven!! Hahaha, i know i am dreaming!!!

Coast Trip

Chris and I have found a new love...camping in a yurt! We have done this a few times over the past 2 years and this last Monday we went again! We picked the stormiest day of the year, but it was still fun and an adventure! Hannah had fun hanging out, she even slept through the rain and wind!

Hannah decided to try and eat the car she was so hungry!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

weight loss blog

new post on weight loss blog!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A few new things...

Our angel with the green ball. Grandma has always been the angel on top of our tree!! I think she looks pretty good up there!!

Our cute little tree. Hannah thinks it is a new toy!

Here is the quilt I have been working on and just finished tonight!! I am so excited to be done!!!

Okay so my first one looked better, but here is a new style of bread I learned to make. I was asked to make bread for the Creche display. It had to look like old fashion bread! It actually tastes pretty good!
And of course here is cute Hannah with her chubby little legs. We were watching the Civil War game and she was cheering along with Chris!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Monday, November 30, 2009

For reals this time!!!

Untitled from Kim Blevins on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Posts

There are about 4 new posts I have put on within the last 2 days! Keep going down!!

Untitled from Kim Blevins on Vimeo.

This is how Hannah talks all day long!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lots of Random

So sorry for the bad picture...It is hard to get a picture of a 6 months old mouth!! Anyway can you see her two little teeth coming through! She just has the bottom two at the moment, but her gums do feel swollen on either side of these teeth so we will see what happens!

Heather made this amazing cake for my uncle Dan's birthday party. She did such a good job and even let me help out a bit!!
The Party was a movie star theme. My aunt did such a good job and we all had so much fun!!

This past weekend we were up staying in Vancouver! Janae worked hard and built a fort for her and Hannah to play in! Hannah loved it!

This is a cake I made for my mom's birthday. Not as good as Heathers, but I had fun and want to start decorating again to get better!

Rolling over

Untitled from Kim Blevins on Vimeo.

Here is a video of what Hannah has been working on!

Monday, November 23, 2009

6 Months

Can you believe another month has gone by?! Her 6 month birthday was even a week ago! I am a little late in posting this!
Hannah has grown so much. She can roll from her tummy to her back with no problem now, so close the other way, but not quite yet! She is about 2 weeks away from sitting up all on her own. She laughs, talks, now says dadada, which is fun! She is also improving on her sleeping! She can now fall asleep on her own which is amazing! We still have a few crying moments, but we have improved so so much! Now we need to work on sleeping more throughout the night! I know I should just let her cry, but it is the hardest thing for me! I need the slower approach and I know that it will affect my sleep a little longer, but I am ok with that! She loves to stand up, it's all she ever wants to do. She loves to fake cough and does it all day long! All together she is just the cutest and funnest little girl ever!!!
She weighs 16 lbs 10 oz
She is 26 1/2 inches long...i think!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

craft snowman

So I made another cheap craft from things I had around the house! I know it may be a little cheesy but it was fast and fun! The base/backing to it is white foam I cut out into the shape. Then I glued cotton balls on for the face, covered a foam triangle with fabric, and glued buttons on for eyes and mouth. I used blue felt for the hat, a ribbon to tie around, then made a small yarn ball and glued it on top. It was fun. I think I might try a santa as well!!

Monday, November 16, 2009


This is when you know it is late at night, you have had a long day and your hair is way way to long!!!

2 things...

First thing....last call for Monkeys! I will be taking those not claimed to Goodwill by Wednesday, so let me know if you would like one or more! Just leave me a comment and I will save it!!

2nd thing!
Heather and I have started a weight loss blog. I need to talk about it again so I can re boost my motivation. It' s hard to commit too, but each day is getting better. I admit my exercise the last couple weeks dwindled, but I am back up again and feeling active! From now on I will post all my weight loss info on our blog so please visit and leave comments!
Thank you for all your support and I know that throughout the next year, I will do this and make at least some of my goals! I know I can do it!!!

here is our blog!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Stuffed Monkeys anyone?

So.....Most of you know that I grew up in love with Primates! Monkeys, Chimps, Orangoutangs, Gorillas, anything and everything. So growing up I was given many many stuffed animals for birthdays and Christmas. I now realize it may be time to downsize. I have kept a small group for myself to keep and give to Hannah and future kids if they want them, but the majority needs to go. I apologize if an item you gave me did not make the cut for keeps, but I loved them while I have them!

What I really want to know is if any of you would like any of them? I have posted them on Craigslist, but I knew there was really no chance anyone wanted to buy now I would like to see if any of you would like them...for free. I just don't want to have to give them all to Goodwill! Please just let me know if you would like one or all!!!! Thanks again!

This one has lips on the side of his mouth.

On one rear end it says Best and on the other rear it says Friend.

This one does make a little annoying monkey sound.

This one's rear end is colorful like a real Baboon.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


So in regards to my last post.... Hannah fell asleep on her own for each of her naps today! I made sure to feed her when she was awake so she wouldn't fall asleep. Then when we knew she was tired we just wrapped her up and laid her down. There were a few whimpers, but no screaming and as a result a happy baby and very happy parents!!
Last night Chris was my knight in shinning armor. He attempted to get up with Hannah twice, although I did end up feeding her, but he was willing to put her to bed and comfort her when she cried! I felt like I got the best sleep even though I was still up! I love my husband and the help he has been giving me!! Hopefully tomorrow Hannah will still sleep easier, but I am sure we will have a few bad days!! oh well! Life is already easier!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Sleep Hannah Sleep!

Back when Hannah would sleep anywhere and all the time!!!

I never realized how hard it would be to let your baby attempt to cry herself to sleep! Lately Hannah has gotten into the habit of falling asleep when I am feeding her. So for me it has been easy and nice to just lay her down right after that and she can take her naps and go right to bed at night.....but now she doesn't know how to fall asleep on her own.
Today I was able to lay her down for one of her naps, she talked and wined for a bit, but fell asleep. Then for her evening nap she screamed!! It was hard we tried at the beginning of the nap to give her the binky, but she didn't want it, so 30 minutes later with her still screaming, me crying and both Chris and I at a loss, I went in calmed her down and put her to sleep. Although when I layed her down she only slept for 5 min tops! So we just let her stay up, got her jammies on and put her to bed early...I let her eat to fall asleep!
I know that it will be hard and challenging for both Hannah and her parents for her to learn to sleep on her own, but I know it is for the best. I know that she needs to learn to not fall asleep with me breast feeding her or she will never know how else to fall asleep.
I am very thankful for my husband and the support he gives me through all of this, especially as I am a wimp and can't let my baby cry! We had a good talk and figured out some things we can try with her, so I am pumped up for a new try tomorrow and hopefully soon we will have a better sleeping happy baby! Thank you for letting me vent about my eventful evening of a first time mom!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Decorations, Halloween and random!

So I was thinking the other day of how to make more Christmas decorations for free! We do have decorations, but I thought it would be fun so I looked online and found a cool idea. These Christmas bulbs are made from old Christmas card fronts and some scrapbook paper I had!! I am either going to make them into a garland or hang them around our nasty overhead light in our living room as kind of a chandelier! Anyway kinda cheesy, but fun, easy and FREE!!

Here are a few more Halloween pictures of Hannah and her boy Tucker!! I love this one because they are both sad! Tucker is sad because he only has 2 pieces of candy. Hannah is sad because she is sitting next to a Oregon State Beaver!

This is Hannah's favorite thing to do! She is always sucking on her arm. At least she has not given herself a hickey yet!!

A few days ago I see a leaf hanging from a cob web stuck to our window. (we are on the second story, can't clean the outside of our windows and neither does the apartment complex....ever). Anyway I realize there is this scary spider hanging out there as well!! So i snap a few pictures, then scare it away...Lots of bugs can get through this window so not knowing where it went....I am still scared it is inside our house!!

I bought Hannah her first sippy cup just so she could get used to one. She has no clue what it is except that it is a new toy!!

Cute as always, hanging out on the couch, getting ready for bed!!