Thursday, December 10, 2009

A few new things...

Our angel with the green ball. Grandma has always been the angel on top of our tree!! I think she looks pretty good up there!!

Our cute little tree. Hannah thinks it is a new toy!

Here is the quilt I have been working on and just finished tonight!! I am so excited to be done!!!

Okay so my first one looked better, but here is a new style of bread I learned to make. I was asked to make bread for the Creche display. It had to look like old fashion bread! It actually tastes pretty good!
And of course here is cute Hannah with her chubby little legs. We were watching the Civil War game and she was cheering along with Chris!


Lindsay Marchant said...

I love the angel Grandma. Great idea. Your quilt turned out awesome...and you have such an adorable little duck fan there. I love it! I like her socks too!

Brandi said...

LOL that is hilarious that Hannah was cheering for the game! Starting her young I see!