Saturday, November 7, 2009


So in regards to my last post.... Hannah fell asleep on her own for each of her naps today! I made sure to feed her when she was awake so she wouldn't fall asleep. Then when we knew she was tired we just wrapped her up and laid her down. There were a few whimpers, but no screaming and as a result a happy baby and very happy parents!!
Last night Chris was my knight in shinning armor. He attempted to get up with Hannah twice, although I did end up feeding her, but he was willing to put her to bed and comfort her when she cried! I felt like I got the best sleep even though I was still up! I love my husband and the help he has been giving me!! Hopefully tomorrow Hannah will still sleep easier, but I am sure we will have a few bad days!! oh well! Life is already easier!!


Diana said...

Yay! I remember the first night that Ella fell asleep without crying like it was yesterday. I felt like a whole new person, i was so refreshed. It only gets better from here! Good work!

The Hanson Family said...

Ya hoooo!! it is hard believe me but so worth it when they get it. just don;t give up. it gets easier everyday and then the bad days are farther and fewer between. Keep it up!!!