Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Yummy Carrots!

Yesterday we decided to let Hannah try some new food! She got to try Carrots for the first time. This face was so funny for the first few bites! She did eat for a bit, but wasn't very enthusiastic about it. Today was a different story! I couldn't feed her fast enough! She just loved her new food!! Hopefully she won't be a picky eater!

Carrots go everywhere!!


Diana said...

she is seriously so cute kim! i can't get enough of that face!!! ella is the same way though, she whines the whole time food is not in her mouth, it makes meal time quick, which is nice!

Elise said...

She is so cute. I haven't gotten any good pictures of Natalia eating yet. I can't believe how fast they grow up. I don't think she will be a picky eater. She ate carrots pretty good. Natalia will only eat the fruit stuff. She hates green beans, peas and rice cereal. Anyway, your girl is cute and i saw you lost three pounds allready. That's awesome. Keep it up.


Definitely be sure to keep trying the same foods, even if she turns her nose up at it at first! And way to go giving her veggies! We avoided giving Ethan any fruit for months and he is a good veggie eater.

lindsaymarchant said...

I love the second picture. What a cute girl you have!...I want one!