Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ehow and Weight loss

Thanks to my sister Heather I finally found a job working from home that I feel actually contributes to out finances! It is working for Ehow writing articles. If you have never been to ehow it is a website that tells you how to do different things! Nice huh! I really like it. I feel cool since I can say that I am a freelance writer and have had work published! woowoo! What is also nice is that there are no set hours, so I can work as much or as little as I want and whenever I want! Big plus!! So anyone out there that would like a job go check it out. It was pretty easy to apply and your first 3 articles are your trial period to see if you will do okay. I am just so happy to help make money!

My other exciting news...no not prego.... is that I have been loosing weight! Finally!! I am down 17 pounds since October and am still working hard! It is so nice to see the scale going the other way! I have started doing a modified version of the Atkins diet and since it is actually working I am sticking with it. I cook a lot now, but it feels good to be eating healthy and I feel like I have so much more energy! I still have a ways to go, but loosing has given me the motivation I need to work hard and succeed!

one more piece of good news... Chris and I are going to Hawaii in 15 days!!! Wooowoooowooowoo! i am so excited since I have never been. Hannah will be staying with Heather (thank you, thank you, thank you) so will get to spend 8 days on Oahu by ourselves! We cannot wait! i am also excited to get to fly on a plane again. This will be my second time, the first time Hannah was only 4 months old, so it was a bit stressful. I am glad I will just get to enjoy this flight without worrying about a crying baby! Hawaii here we come!!


Chad and Jessica said...

Way to go Kim! That would be so hard. You have come so far already.
and, hawaii? Shut up! I'm excited to see pics.
Ehow sounds awesome! Thank you so much for mentioning it. It's something I would really be interested in. I researched it a little. Do you get paid much? What topics have you written on? Does it take you long to write them? Sorry to bug you.

Hope you're enjoying BEnd

Sarah Peterson said...

wow Kim!! that is SO much weight! That is so hard to do! I am so proud of you!! That job sounds awesome! And it is good you are not prego... who wants to be prego when they are going to HAWAII!? YAY!

Kimberly said...

Hey Jessica, I don't have your email so I will answer you on here. Most articles you get paid 15 dollars, but before you claim one to write you can see how much it is worth. Each article so far has taken me about an hour or just over, so really I am getting 15 dollars an hour. They have a huge variety of topics to pick from so that is nice, but be prepared to do research. If you have any more questions either email me at kimbyblevins@gmail.com or you can call me at 541-255-5880. I really like it since I can work on it during Hannah's naps. My goal right now is to just do 1 a day besides sundays and if i can do that i would make about 360 ish a month!

Magdogg said...

Kim, good for you for helping your husband. Not just that, it feels good to accomplish something for no one else but yourself. Good job. I am so happy for your trip to Hawaii. That will be so much fun. Be safe and Great job with the weight lose. Love ya!