Monday, March 1, 2010


So I need some advice! Hannah now sleeps through the night which is amazing!...but she only sleeps until 5:30 ish sometimes a bit earlier. She goes to bed every night at 7pm and sleeps without waking up until 5:30. If I get up with her I change her diaper and feed her. She is still sleepy and I know she wants to go back to sleep, but if I try to lay her down she will only cry. If I snuggle her she will fall asleep quickly and stay that way for about another hour. On the other hand when she wakes up at 5:30, if I just let her cry herself back to sleep it won't work. She will cry for a whole hour to hour and a half and never go back to sleep. I know this sounds silly, but what would you do? Should I just put her to bed a bit later, so I can sleep in a bit more and she will slowly get used to sleeping longer? any ideas?


Diana said...

That stinks! I know babies have certain "wake up" times and I think that if you kept her up later, she would probably still wake up at the same time. I don't know what you do with naps but maybe if you set a steady nap pattern (we do 9 and 1) then she would be able to get used to that and then sleep in a little longer? I don't know if that makes sense. But 5:30 is EARLY, 6:30 is doable, but that's another hour, maybe just let her cry in there for a little while longer every day and she'll get more and more used to it? Ella is to the point that if she wakes up before 7, sometimes I hear her just playing in her crib. Then come 7 she starts whining, she has a serious biological clock. Good luck, at least she's sleeping through the night! That's progress!

Jenn Mize said...

I say it's worth a try to put her down later. Maybe try doing it in 15-minute increments every week until she goes down at 8:00. Hopefully she'll catch on and sleep later. We put Tucker down at 8:00 and he usually sleeps until about 7:00, then he wakes up and plays until about 7:30. Although sometimes he doesn't even wake up until 7:30. :) We do naps at 10:00 and 3:00. He sleeps for about an hour and a half to two hours each nap. It was right about Hannah's age when we started it all with Tucker. Good luck, keep us posted! :)
We're excited to see you guys in a few weeks. I think we should go out to eat so we don't have to deal with any clean-up! :)

The Simmons Bunch said...

I've found that if I try to put my kids down later so they will sleep in longer then I am the one loosing sleep and they are still getting up at 6:00 I can't do anythnig to change it. Personally I would probably get up and nurse her then put her back down and I would go back to sleep until she was ready to get up again. It's a hard call though because they seem to have that biological clock in them that you can't do much to change. It's more of a learnng how to work around it. :) Good luck!

Tiffany said...

I agree with the last comment, although you could also try dream feeding to extend her sleeping time before getting hungry. Right before you go to bed prepare a bottle (3 oz?)and feed it to her while she is sleeping in her crib. Do NOT pick her up, just put the bottle in her mouth. It shouldn't wake her up. (This method is probably more for younger babies, but I do it with mine when she doesn't eat as much before going to bed and it works.)

Tiffany said...

Okay, so seriously, all of these comments are good, you'll just have to see what works for YOU and for YOUR BABY.

Sarah Peterson said...

every baby is different. Both my girls would wake up around 6 once they were sleep trained, and I always changed the bum, fed them, and put them back to bed. Eventually they just start sleeping longer. Babies do seem to have a very percise internal clock. I only get Claire if it is 8:30 or later and she knows it. She will just play in her crib if she wakes up before then, and about 8:30 she starts to cry to let me know it is time to get her!(that is if I'm being lazy and haven't gotten her before she starts to cry!) They really get used to and understand schedules. Make sure her naps are always about the same time and length too. That really helps with night sleeping. Good Luck Kim. Sleep training is one of the trickiest and hardest things to learn as a mother. I still don't get it, but at least my girls sleep now! phew! It DOES get better eventually! I will sleep until the next baby! :0

Swanson Family said...

I am with Diana - putting J and K down later does NOT mean they wake up later....they're just crabbier the next day because they didn't get the same amount of sleep. I'm just impressed that she's sleeping that long every night now...not sure what to tell you other than YOU go to bed earlier (which is not my idea of fun) so that you're ready to get up when she does. But good job so far - you're WAY ahead of where I was with J!

Elise said...

I agree with all the comments and have one thing we have tried with Natalia to add to it. She wakes up sometimes around 5 and I will go turn on a primary cd or something soothing and it helps her calm down so she can go back to sleep. This didn't work for Jaden at all in fact music would make him even more awake but it works with Natali. Good Luck

Brandi said...

I would leave out one nap during the day, she is big enough now. With only one nap and putting Haylee to bed around 7-8ish, she sleeps until around 7:30. I give her a bottle which she would rather drink on her own and she either plays for a little while or goes back to sleep for an hour. Try a binky I guess? Or a stuffed animal.

The Seaton Family said...

Some people might think it's gross but I wouldn't change her diaper yet. I would try to keep her as sleepy as possible, feed her and put her back down. There were times I used to let Mckayli cry often but in these kind of situations I would jump up before she got too awake. Then I would keep it dark, feed her and try to keep her sleepy.