Tuesday, May 12, 2009

..................ummmmm Look------->

Can you believe what that number says right there!! Only 7 more days.....I think she may come before that! I know I know I shouldn't get my hopes up....but hey soon enough!!! 



Anonymous said...

How exciting 7 days is so soon. At the most one week and you will be a mommy of a beautiful little girl.

Jenn Mize said...

SO CRAZY! I remember when mine said 7-days, I had a minor freak out. It's so exciting for you. I'm still pulling that she come on the 19th, that way she and I can share a birthday. :) We can't wait to meet Hannah! Then when we get together for games, she and Tucker can play together.

Chad and Jessica said...

OOoooooh, you must be getting so anxious....so close....yet so unknown with the time....oi yoi yoi. I hope she's early too, for your sake. She's going to be so beautiful!

Brandi Clark said...

Hey, the mom knows before anyone else. Trust your instincts! Good luck, call me if you need anything! And call me when the baby gets here so I can come see her!

Lindsay Marchant said...

I hope she comes out soon. I know the feeling "Get this baby out of me!!". I am sure you are done being pregnant and want to be a mommy now. That feeling comes faster with the second one! Can't a baby be born at 27 weeks?? JK.