Saturday, January 1, 2011

Family prayer

Hannah said her first prayer tonight for family prayer. It was so cute and of course we are so proud! Here is how it went.

Kim: "Say Dear."
Hannah: "Dear." (sounded more like De-o)
K: "Heavenly"
H: "Hey"
K: " Father"
H: "Fa"
K: "Thank You"
H: " Your Well" (If we ask Hannah to say thank you, she instead says "Your well", for your welcome!)
K: "I love you"
H: (here hannah decided to make a kissy face and the kiss sound since that her her new thing for I love you!)
K: "Amen."
H: "Amen."
So all together it was " De-o Hey Fa. Your well. (smooch). Amen."

We love our little girl and our so proud she is learning to say her prayers. It made our whole evening to hear that little prayer and I can't wait for many more to come!