Sunday, February 3, 2008

A long Time...

I know it has been along time since we have updated the blog. Things have been busy for us with Chris and his mid terms coming up and then I haven't been feeling well this past week, but tomorrow is monday with the start of a new week and hopefully not much to do. It seems like from the first day we moved to Corvallis we have stayed very busy. With church, family, work, school and friends there hasn't been time to sit down! Life s good though and we have still having fun! Here is one picture to sum up the last week here in Corvallis...snow and weird weather. I am excited for Spring! 


Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Good to hear from you! Isn't life crazy? It will only get busier as kids come, careers, and more church responsibilities. Hard to believe, huh?

The snow looks so pretty out your front lawn. I too am ready for spring!!!

Sarah Peterson said...

sick huh... hmm, you know what that makes me think... hehehe. Well, I am SO excited for spring too. I'm SICK of ice and snow. I liked it for a couple months, but I am done with it. I'm sad we didn't get to see each other. When will you be visiting Utah!? You need to plan a trip ;)

Jenn Mize said...

Alright I am bag tagging you. Look at mine on my blog, copy the directions and DO IT! :) LOVE YOU!